Monday, February 23, 2009


I would like to address a question posed by a young bright teenage girl from our parish who was concerned about the secret messages given by Our Blessed Mother. One must be careful about what one reads and believes. There is so much confusion concerning secret messages that can lead to fear and worry. I read recently that a secret message is that Mary is God. This is absolutely false and erroneous. Mary is the Mother of the Son of God and our Spiritual Mother as well. We honor Mary and we worhsip God. Mary is the first and model disciple of Jesus. The messages themselves from authentic apparitions of Mary have a consistent message of the need for prayer, conversion, repentance, the centrality of the Mass and frequent reception of Holy Communion. We are invited to pray the Rosary allowing us to reflect upon significant events in the life Jesus. The invitation to pray the Rosary has also the intention of promoting world peace and the conversion of the human heart. The messages of Mary are not meant to evoke fear, but faith in Jesus Christ Our Savior and Lord. Let us imitate Mary who was obedient to God's Word and faithful in God's service. Fr. Dennis